Monday, April 30, 2012

Duper happy!!

Pedicure at Lancome's with Mom and Aixin!
Time to pamper myself more and take good care of the body god has given me!
I resolve to really care for my skin, body, hair, diet, nails and everything that has been given to me by God's grace!
 I'm a lucky gal who has been blessed with much good things, and I should cherish it dearly and tend to it carefully!
No More Neglect just because of busy-ness! My body is an important PRIORITY!!

Quick dinner at wanton mee's after a day of shopping!
OFTD: Magenta pleated flowy dress with classic chanel flap bag! Love my scarlet nails! :D

Another day.. colourful colourful food at Han's Changi city point! love the chicken chop!!

And my happiest thing recently!!!
oh gosh! it was love at first sight!! really love this gown so much!!!!
Fits all the criteria in my imagination..
Red, mermaid,simple, elegant, classy, sexy and with such vivacious personality!
such a difference from all the other boring gowns I've seen so far.
I'm soooo happy about this gown!!!!:D

and more great news... THRILLED that the procedures for our home have all gone smoothly as planned.. and I look forward to our beautiful cosy home for the Tan Family!!! An excellent investment that my parents love!!!

Seems like things are working out smoothly! And the sense of liberation I have post resignation has been really refreshing. The initial fears of instability etc seem to all dissolve as windows of opportunity, things that I love to do, all come knocking on my door! The feeling of having freedom to do the things I want is truly energizing. I think it is such energy that will transform dreams, ideas and imagination into reality. And frankly, it is really not as scary as I thought. In fact, it is so much more enjoyable that I can have the time on my own hands! It is such good energy that will attract wealth,fortune, success and happiness when I enjoy every bit of what I do!:)

I am blessed. And I am glad the rainbows have started to appear after the storm.

Co's Wedding Night!

Its a pity we didn't take more photos! But us gals all had great fun!!!:)

After party at PanPac!!! Love Co's blue tea dress! my favourite of the night!
The 'ladies night' was awesome!!! :D
At Conrad Centennial's Ballroom!
The casual party feel of Co's wedding was refreshing!
The first of the SN babes to be married!


Surprise (again!:D) pinky roses from Christina's before Justin leaves for indon..
thrilled with the pinkies but not with the departure! :(
3 long weeks!!!! :P:P:P

Monday, April 23, 2012

Whispers of the heart.

May my mind be crystal clear. May my actions be the right thing to do on my path. May I be brave and take the first step to a new path.

I suddenly recall an image that I saw in a magazine when I was fifteen. A picture of a man on mount everest, with the caption: "If you never try, you will never know how high you can rise."

Have no doubts and trust your instinct! The whispers of the heart will never be wrong!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Justin's Birthday!!!:D

A year ago, I promised my BFF I would bake a birthday cake for him every year!!
This year, of course I did, simply because my BFF, in my opinion, is TRULY the BEST man in the world!:D How blessed I am to have him as a BFF!:D

And so I baked the first real cake ever!! Have baked cookies, fruit tarts and such before, but never a real cake! Was excited to bake it for my BFF! :)
Got a great simple cake recipe with rave reviews and got all the ingredients!
Decided to turn it into a blueberries, strawberries and cream cake! :D

The cake!!! love the little sweetheart in the middle of it! Made with Love!
So duper happy that the cake rose up so well with such a nice buttery brown colour!! :D
Carefully removing the cake ring... and slicing it into half to prepare to add in the filling!

The strawberry and cream filling in the layer! Happy this idea worked and gave the cake a really nice tangy fresh fruit taste! :)

And tadah the final product!!!!!!:):):) Duper happy its so tasty and pretty!!!

Made little pretty cupcakes in another batch!

Perfect with a cup of tea!:D

Finally @ 0001hrs , 18/04/12! Happy Birthday my dearest BFF!!!!:D

And we went for dinner on the next day! After a long day at work no less, gosh!!! A holiday is in need asap!!!!

May the year ahead be filled with abundance, success, health, wealth and happiness always!!!

your fiancee :)

We got our wedding bands!!!:)

Hooray Hooray! we got our  r i n g s !!!  
LOVE collection from Cartier :)
 The feeling of the weighty solid band of gold on the finger is quite indescribable! 
Definitely feels good! :) 

Got down to pick up our wedding bands after a long day of work! :) Yippee! :)
The exquisite Cartier champagne that the kind Casandra gave us! Beautiful bottle of bubbly! :)
Opulent red and gold, everlasting elegance! :)
OFTD: Red satin bustier that I bought a while ago but never wore! At NUS writing and reading away! :)

Great fulfilling day!

All the way!!! :D

Thursday, April 19, 2012

t h i n g s to do today!:)

1. f o r e x  wins
2. clear up wardrobe
3. heal eye
4. yoga!!! its been a long while
5. jog!
6. research on website and dress designs
7. photos!
8. wedding stuff :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

C O L O U R my days!!!

Sunday Tea time!

Coffee and cake at Parco Millenia lifts my mood up! :)

My dearest Cpt Yap who's had such a duper busy work the past week, now still gotta write essay!!! ;P

I think  on a sidenote, it is time to  c o l o u r  my life up!!! Surfed through a successful fashion entreprenuer's blog, and noticed how colourful and vibrant she has created a life for herself! Quite an inspiration!

Latetly my path has recently gotten too dull, and gotten a little high strung with all the stressors all around! Time for a change of career or add on career maybe! How can I combine my current profession and yet make mine more colourful and dynamic?? And perhaps it also starts with a more colourful update with more vibrant photos on this catalogue! 

Do something vibrant, Do something else I love, and riches will follow! 

Think good, think lucky, think full of life, think happy colours!!!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Nice weekend it has been

Skiving around on the couch .. Has been a nice weekend,albeit tiring going about viewing homes.. Looking back on the past entries. Can't help but feel the great difference. Just a couple of months ago I was soo happy and grateful to be alive.. And now I feel so helpless once again. But the good thing about the past entries is that I am reminded that bad episodes will eventually pass and that they are part of life's journeys. Therefore, be strong, continue to be happy. Do your best, and leave the rest to God. 'I am beautiful, rich, loved and happy!' Xoxoxo